All about Zika virus

Thursday 26 May 2016

All about Zika virus

Posted by Unknown
All about Zika virus
You know all about Zika virus? Although it seems something new, the Zika appeared in 1947 in the forests of the same name, in Uganda. It was pure chance as it was conducting a study on the transmission of yellow fever in the jungle. In 2007 it was when the first case was reported outside Africa, in one of the islands of Micronesia.

How Zika virus spread?

All about Zika virus
Zika virus is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. a number of symptoms among which fevers, joint pain, rashes and conjunctivitis occur. The transmission cycle starts from an already infected person, which are bitten by a mosquito, also infected, and transmits it to the next person it bites. Between three and twelve following the above symptoms appear, yes, today no mortal case of the Zika virus is known. Although the alarm came to us to learn that the virus could be transmitted from mother to fetus.

Sometimes symptoms can be misleading because they are quite similar to those produced by the disease Dengue.

How does it affect them pregnant?

In some areas of Brazil they were recorded last November a promotion in cases of microcephaly in babies, just in the same areas where there had been an increase in chaos Zika. Given these circumstances, a study revealed if he really had the microcephaly relationship with the virus began. The results showed that there is some relationship between the two conditions, although it is still unknown how the virus acts to carry pregnant woman microcephaly.

Is there treatment for Zika virus?

All about Zika virus
Today has not developed a vaccine and no specific treatment for the virus Zika. it only can take medication to combat the symptoms and rest. What I recommend experts is that if there is someone to our infected around, we stay away at least for a week in order to prevent new infections.

How can we prevent Zika virus?

Since the problem is generated by mosquitoes to transmit from one person to another, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid at all costs that pique us any mosquito. So we can lay hold of repellents, mosquito nets, lotions, etc. But, nope! That although we are already infected we must also ensure that not bite us not new mosquitoes carry the virus. Still, in Spain have been no infections, cases that have come to Europe have been from people who were infected in South America.


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