May 2016

Monday 30 May 2016

How light affects our mood

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According to various studies, the light has a lot to do with our mood. You think not? Is not it true that spring and summer are livelier and a better mood?
How light affects our mood

 Our mood affected by light

With respect to sunlight and seasons, there are studies that show the influence of seasonal changes in our psyche. During autumn and winter we lose energy, interest in social life and sleep more.

Those who are most affected and undergo profound changes in mood during these periods may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Symptoms include irritability stand, tiredness, sadness or feelings of emptiness and pessimism, changes in weight, thoughts of death, suicide or disinterest in activities practiced.

The curious thing about this condition is that influences people living surrounded by nature as those living in a big city, especially in the latter because our lifestyle makes us more vulnerable to depression. To maximize the benefits of this light, it may be interesting to change windows in order to gain greater splendor inside our stay.

Another point to note is that, generally, we associate our sadness to everyday dramas of everyday life: a bad day at work, an argument with the couple, a family problem, etc. But we never thought that we may be missing light. Or have we heard someone say that is a bad day because the sun rises? Even sex depends on daylight hours. In summer hormones have an increase in their beaks, which makes us more willing to maintain relationships.
How light affects our mood
 As for the light of the screens, they are already many ensuring that alters our sleep rhythm. It still seems difficult to understand why, but gradually are opening new lines of research to answer questions such as what kind of light that affects us or how.

As far as researchers agree it is that we must get used to turn off the phones and computers two hours before going to bed. In light of these devices sends the wrong signal to our body that claims it is still not the time to go to bed. But what if I have to work late? Well, we have a solution for this. It is used orange light filters, which absorb part of the blue light producing devices. At bedtime we must try to sleep in total darkness and turning on any light that is red or a warm color.
How light affects our mood
 The light has never been an issue to worry too much, but it is important to start to realize that directly affects our lives and to take a couple of habits and be aware of what affects us, we care for our vitality and health emotional and mental.
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Keys to care for your elders

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His hugs, caresses, gestures support, ability to listen and advise ... Thanks to this unconditional love that our elders have told us for so long we could keep going. Now the time has come that the same care of young people, we pay them as the heroes of our life. So we can count on home support companies.
Keys to care for your elders
Rewarding and exhausting can be the task of caring for the elderly within our home, a mission that can get complicated when our loved one has serious difficulty moving or is mired in a neurodegenerative disease.

Official data tell us about that between 30% and 50% of people over 65, who are independent and living alone at home, have suffered a year, at least, a fall at home. The concern of many relatives to the safety and welfare of their elders, leads them to engage themselves from their elders. If you choose to take care of these people in your own home, it is essential to count on the help of others in the family.
Caring for your elders

There are some basic safety precautions to consider as you can be well bonded installing bars in showers and tubs if necessary sit.
Keys to care for your elders
You can also have additional cushions on couches and chairs for your elders can sit more comfortably. Another important key is to be ordered to make no mistake in medication, you can always have on hand emergency phone, do not run out remedies and can make the necessary arrangements in advance to go to the hospital. Older people suits them follow a certain routine bathing, meals and walks, not to mention that it will be much easier for the caregiver.

It is important that you respect your sleep because if you're tired is very difficult for you to attend a senior age. Remember that lack of sleep can decrease your ability to concentrate, to be attentive to the needs of the family, remember the important things and how to solve complications.

However, when work and responsibilities beyond us would not be inconsiderable rely on the help that we can provide a group of professionals belonging to companies home help. They will provide the support and attention that your greatest need, while have the peace of mind that will be well taken care of.
Keys to care for your elders

From our health blog we recommend you rely on the services of Your greatest friend, whose professionals will provide hospital accompaniment and visiting nurses in Madrid precisabas to meet the needs of your loved ones.

These professionals work with your environment, friends and family in order to be able to take the most appropriate decision at all times. As they say, you must not let fear keep you happy and move on.

They will be responsible for carrying out the monitoring and control of medication, grooming and hygiene tasks essential to prevent the diseases, support mobility and homework help to dress and eat larger.
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Sunday 29 May 2016

Healthy living to feel good inside and out

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What is the real secret of happiness? The joy will awaken within you when you include those habits in your daily life aimed at improving your own welfare. The maximum we have to keep in mind is that to look good, we feel good. In Scottex® give us some tips to consider. Beware!!

Healthy living encompasses a number of aspects that we should not overlook in our daily life such as food, health prevention, exercise, work, social activity and relationship with the environment.
Healthy living to feel good inside and out
 In this sense, beyond the outer beauty that can we provide a layer of makeup, a sumptuous hairstyle or a sophisticated and elegant dress, we have a series of habits that will be useful to feel better about ourselves every time we contemplate the other side of the mirror.

Feeling clean and fresh also makes us feel more secure and confident, combining tricks as usual toilet paper with wet toilet paper makes get that feeling of well-being according to a study by Scottex®

The ideal of happiness seems unattainable, an impossible dream that can never realize how hard I try. However, the absolute joy can be found in every small detail to include in our lives to improve our own wellbeing.
Healthy Habits to feel better

These habits, of which echo from Scottex®, are summarized in the following 7 tips:

-The Rest is one of the fundamental points, since it will help us enhance our ability to concentrate, attention and memory. In Scottex® recommend us to relax before bed by a bath or a massage, if possible. Lack of sleep can lead to cardiovascular problems level, lower pain tolerance and diabetes, being affected your physical health and emotional level.

Healthy living to feel good inside and out
 -For Desperate each new dawn and avoid that unsightly swelling of the eyes, recommend you keep in your fridge a water container with spray and spray it on your face every morning. Your face will look clean and clear of any trace of fatigue.

Did you know that better hygiene and freshness feeling to dominate our body can make us feel more sure of ourselves? To keep this feeling, which will decline as the day progresses, in Scottex® have developed a study by which the importance of maintaining personal hygiene habits is determined. In these small sessions, which will devote a portion of our time, we will use our conventional dry toilet paper and wet toilet paper.

Are you obsessed with going to run or to do your best in the gym to get a healthy body? It is enough that you spend 15 minutes of your time to walk, because, in addition to live two more years, you will feel more refreshed and strengthen your immune system.

As we mentioned in previous lines, a balanced and healthy diet is vital to feel good inside and out. The latter does not mean you can not give a tribute from time to time, 'you deserve it !! But, always, try to eat varied and better.
Healthy living to feel good inside and out
 No under any circumstances allow the responsibilities and obligations you win the battle. Links with people around us, either work or family, are very important, but always seeks to maintain relationships as balanced as possible. Do not forget to take a positive attitude to life, it will help overcome the many obstacles that life has imposed.

Remember that happiness is found in small works that you hold in your daily life by improving your physical and emotional health. When there is no grief, pain or sadness, we can envision a better tomorrow, full of light, a light that speaks of hope and joy of living.
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Solutions for hearing loss

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Age, exposure to loud sounds, middle ear infection or even administration of certain drugs can be some of the causes that explain sensory disorders such as hearing loss. In the next lines we propose some alternatives to consider for treating such conditions as those that bring us from Audioactive.
Solutions for hearing loss
 One of every six people over age 50 suffer from hearing loss and needs some help to amplify sounds such as that provided us hearing aids, Sonotones, amplifiers and other hearing aids.

Hearing impairment or hearing loss in the case of children can lead to complications in the development of speech and language when it begins at an early age, which will result in a school performing below the average.

Hearing deficiency transmission can be produced as a result of problems in the outer and middle ear that prevent the fact that the sound can reach the inner ear.

On the other hand, we can highlight a type of sensorineural generated by damage to the nerve fibers in the inner ear hearing loss, so they end up inhibiting the transmission of necessary information to the brain.
Solutions for hearing loss
 In the case of hearing loss is not perceived treatment available to cure these injuries, because the damage is irreparable neuronal level. In these cases, treatment focuses on improving communication with our partners from the use of hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Solutions for hearing loss

 hearing solutions to improve your health

In these cases, we have to put ourselves in the hands of specialized professionals in improving our hearing health that can help in this regard to improve our own well-being and develop ourselves in life more comfortably.

In spaces like Audioactive we find that our hearing health aid so badly needed. Its team of professionals with over 10 years experience in the field of audiology, hearing solutions closer as Sonotones, headphones, amplifiers, telephones for hearing aid batteries elderly or for people who have hearing problems holistically.

Solutions for hearing loss
 In his shop, you'll find some of the latest products of the moment for the deaf, adjusted to some of the most recognized brands in the market in the field of audiology as can be Rayovac, Doro or Amplicomms.

The products listed in its online storefront have two years warranty and have no intermediaries, so close you good quality items at factory prices. In addition to a wide variety of products for people with hearing problems, you'll also find technical aids designed for deaf and hearing aid accessories very different.
Solutions for hearing loss
 For example, we can look at digital amplifiers, aimed at people with medium to severe hearing loss. These latest models have the appropriate technology so you can control the volume and reduce noise when they deem it appropriate.
Solutions for hearing loss
 Similarly, in Audioactive you can find digital alarm clock for deaf incorporating extra strong vibration for the alarm, plus warning light and a particularly high tone.

As for phones for seniors who can find in this online store, you should know that they are very different forms. You can choose from wireless, fixed or mobile. In any case, all have large keys for easy handling and many of them are compatible with the headset.
Solutions for hearing loss
 Finally, also you have wireless headphones for television. The brand Sennheiser provide you with a clearer sound with up to 100 meters range.

If you look at their website, can try their products for a period of 15 days, so if you do not like your results, you can return preserving the original packaging. In these cases, you only contact them and transport company will come to your home to pick up the product.
Solutions for hearing loss

Do not forget to take care of your hearing health, your body will thank you enjoying greater well-being in the future, thanks to which you can perceive all the surrounding sounds without complications. What do you think hearing solutions centers like Audioactive?
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How to take care of dental implants?

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Over recent decades, advances in dentistry have highlighted above those improvements that have been introduced in other medical disciplines. Cosmetic dentistry, digital software, invisible braces, lingual braces ... All treatments in general have changed their approach: not only is correct defects in teeth and gums, but to get attractive results, which beautify the face patient.
How to take care of dental implants?
 Although there have been improvements in all areas, one stands above the others: implantology. With dental implants, many patients have been able to recover teeth and smile again on the same day. The results generated can last a lifetime, but not without following the care they propose Clinics Propdental dentists in Barcelona.

Before showing some essential tricks cleaning, remember what are dental implants and what has meant joining dentistry. We know that it is small titanium parts that are inserted into the upper and lower jaws to help rebuild a buccal cavity having little or no tooth can be restored.

In most cases, the treatment consists of two distinct phases: the first dental implants are placed and in the second, final prosthesis on implants are introduced. Between the two phases it is what is known as osseointegration, biophysical phenomenon determined by the union of titanium with the bone. Once this first introduction, how dental implants care?
How to take care of dental implants?
 The need for good hygiene

The results of implant surgery is maintained over time if we carry out the necessary hygienic care. Dental implants are more sensitive to the accumulation of oral biofilm and, for this reason, it is important to ensure that the peri-implant tissues are healthy. In fact, they can even last a lifetime if we follow these recommendations:

- The main objective is to carry out an even more demanding and rigorous oral hygiene.

- It is important to use art brushes, to help prevent peri-implant mucositis and periimplantitis - ie periodontal diseases but patients with implants - and are designed to effectively remove the oral biofilm.

- All items used in cleaning have to be very precise and must allow the patient to penetrate the neck of the implant-crown.

- It is advisable to supplement brushing with the use of oral irrigators and mouthwashes that help completely eliminate food debris accumulated under the implants.

- Silks, ribbons or interproximal brushes are also essential to remove bacteria and debris left between implants or tooth to implant.

- For added security, we need two professional cleanings at the dental clinic performed.

- During the first year of treatment, it is advisable to schedule visits to the dentist at least once every three or four months. The frequency of appointments will vary depending on each case.
How to take care of dental implants?
Gum care, avoid perimplantitis

When we take care of an oral cavity with dental implants, we must pay special attention to the gums. completely eliminate the oral biofilm and gingival tissue maintain clean and in good condition serves as a prevention against severe diseases: peri-implant diseases.

It is inflammations affecting the tissues surrounding an implant osseointegrated which, if not controlled, leading the patient to loss of supporting bone and, therefore, the embedded part of it. Periimplantitis appears as a result of a bacterial infection, a similar reaction to that produced in the case of periodontal disease, affecting natural teeth. In cases of mucositis no bone involvement, but soft tissue.

To avoid these diseases is best to perform proper oral hygiene and put special emphasis on gum care. In fact, it is very important control of the early stages of these diseases to prevent their evolution. Antiseptics is essential to strengthen the gingival tissue and control the biofilm, particularly those containing chlorhexidine.
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Saturday 28 May 2016

Gastric Banding, safe and effective treatment for obesity

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Gastric Banding, safe and effective treatment for obesity
The gastric band, erected as one of the less invasive when treating obesity methods, is not a treatment at all recognized in Spain, despite its extensive experience and benefits, which can turn into problems if not carried out proper monitoring of the patient. This could explain its limited influence in our country.

Effects of the gastric band on the patient

Confirmed its effectiveness in achieving weight loss, gastric banding allows patients experience a gradual thinning, losing an average of 0, 5 and 1 kg per week during the first year.

We are facing a reversible procedure that fails to change the anatomy of the patient or generate constant changes in the stomach or intestines, not to mention all that can always withdraw it deems appropriate. Depending on the evolution experienced by the patient, the gastric band will be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the capacity of the stomach.

Gastric Banding, safe and effective treatment for obesity
The risk of malabsorption is less when compared with other procedures such as gastric bypass since the band at all times allow normal absorption of essential nutrients for the body of the patient. Faced with another kind of interventions, the gastric band presents a reduced discomfort and complications associated with treated, as discussed in previous lines, a less aggressive technique numberis less when compared with other procedures such as gastric bypass since the band at all times allow normal absorption of essential nutrients for the body of the patient. Faced with another kind of interventions, the gastric band presents a reduced discomfort and complications associated with treated, as discussed in previous lines, a less aggressive technique less when compared with other procedures such as gastric bypass since the band at all times allow normal absorption of essential nutrients for the body of the patient. Faced with another kind of interventions, the gastric band presents a reduced discomfort and complications associated with treated, as discussed in previous lines, a less aggressive technique number.

Along with this, we can highlight the fact that the gastric band is a simple laparoscopic procedure, with a brief stay in the hospital that would cover between one and three days.laparoscopic procedure, with a brief stay in the hospital that would cover between one and three days.

What little recognition of the gastric band in Spain is?

However, the presence of drawbacks as removal for treadwear, relocating for displacement thereof or a slow initial weight loss can be some of the reasons that explain the fact that this treatment is not everything recognized it deserves in Spain, unlike what happens in other countries like France, the United States or Australia, where this technique is widely used.

Gastric Banding, safe and effective treatment for obesity
In any case, it has to bear in mind that all these problems will not occur if two fundamental factors are met. On the one hand, the medical specialist carry out proper monitoring of the patient and on the other, the latter not regularly see your medical center to check what your progress or refuses to comply with the protocol established by the center itself .

"In most forums Spanish scientists questioned its effectiveness having been reported a number of reoperations for conversion to another technique procedure failure or long-term complications arising therefrom. Based on our experience, such failures would not occur if we continue the monitoring protocol applied in other medical centers internationally accumulating extensive experience with this treatment "are some of the words thrown by Dr. Jesús Lago, a specialist in surgery the obesity.

Gastric Banding, safe and effective treatment for obesity

The studies performed show a very different reality to what is seen in these forums, as previously stated the doctor since a significant improvement in the percentage of excess weight loss is provided.

Along With the complete analysis of Dr. Jesús Lago, under the name of "The adjustable gastric band for treatment of morbid obesity: They are responsible for the overall results in Spain Analysis of 132 Patients Treated in the last 10 years" and the excellent Patients Achieved results confirmed by gastric banding That is a safe and effective treatment for morbid obesity.

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Friday 27 May 2016

What are the healthiest sweets?

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There are healthy sweets that do not sacrifice their delicious side. However, if you do not control the amount of weight we can increase considerably. In any case, we can bet on some beneficial alternatives for our body.

What are the healthiest sweets?
The best healthy treats for your body

All we have to do is measure ourselves and bet on those options with fewer calories, especially if we have problems with sugar, overweight or cholesterol. I propose the following healthy alternatives that we do not drown in calories.

-Sorbet Fruit: Choose ripe pieces and cut into cubes. Leave them freeze and once it is mixed with crushed yogurt dice. For presentation, pour the liquid into a cup and add grated lemon peel.

Mousse of black chocolate: To do looking unsweetened chocolate having at least 70% cocoa. The other ingredients are 30 grams of unsalted butter, 4 eggs, sugar, and gelatin. Thinks that although sugar in it, to do it yourself at home will never be as caloric as a mouse you buy.

What are the healthiest sweets?

-Brochetas Fruit: It's as simple as cut several types of fruit into cubes and place them on the skewer. Whisk yogurt (we can add a little sugar or other sweetener) and serve the kebabs with beaten scattered above.

-Fondue Fruit: To do it we need a fondue, of course. And as ingredients 100 grams of chocolate cream to melt. 200 grams of banana, kiwi, tangerine, apple and pear. Although these are some options, you can include fruits you like best.

-Carpaccio Apple and pineapple: Cut into thin slices peeled fruits and put them to boil. We add a little red wine with cinnamon. Add a little sweetener to sweeten and serve. Elegant, tasty and healthy.

Tips for healthy eating sweets

But as humans we are, we understand that even these options are very tasty they can not go long. So let's see some culinary tips.

What are the healthiest sweets?

  • Do not fill your plate to overflowing. Come as always, slowly and chewing well.
  • Hydrate, drink at least two liters of water.
  • Do not cook so much that on food for several days after a celebration. They are more binges than we need.
  • Nor is it advisable to fill the house with sweets, is better to buy little by little. Spending that go with the visits. is one of those cases where it is better not missing leftover and go to your mouth. Do not put the dish full of candy if anyone will not come home. He who eat them will be you!
  • No piques between. If it is a weight factor to fatten itself, in times such as Christmas or birthday, much more.

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Combat fatigue with the right dose of magnesium

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Reduce fatigue, contribute to the synthesis of proteins and improve the health of our bones and teeth are some of the benefits that an essential mineral like magnesium can bring to our body. We are introducing the new NESCAFÉ Vitalissimo, rich in this nutrient to enjoy a dose of vitality you need every day.

Combat fatigue with the right dose of magnesium
Playing an essential role in more than 300 generated reactions in our metabolism, magnesium becomes a powerful ally for situations of physical or mental stress during pregnancy and lactation, and from forty years of age.

Cocoa, legumes, nuts, whole grains and green leafy vegetables are some of the foods that contain this mineral in their nutritional composition.
The main problem is that our diets are poor in this type of food.

Experts such as dietician Maria Jose Rosello claim that a daily diet based on a latte and bakery product for breakfast, a meal of rice and a beef steak and an apple or a dinner based on salad, egg and some sausage derisory would come to ingest 170 mg of magnesium, an amount that is far from the recommended 375 mg daily.

To avoid this situation, our health blog we propose a cup of Nescafe Vitalissimo enriched in magnesium daily since our body receive the dose of vitality needed to combat fatigue.

What do you think about you ? Do you consume the recommended amount of magnesium?
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Properties of bananas

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This time, we will see the properties of bananas that besides being a delicious fruit are highly nutritious. Most of the time we eat as it asks us the body and if we paid some attention, not what he asks but what you need, we will find a healthy diet without even noticing.
Properties of bananas

The banana has starch such as potatoes and pasta, which makes us think that fat. This is neither truth nor lie. And there are foods that should not be taken at any time of day. This is the case of bananas. Starch brings a lot of energy but instead slows digestion. This tells us that it is not advisable to eat banana dessert at night, there would be when this tasty fruit fattens us.

Banana Benefits

What are the benefits bestowed upon us eating bananas? Let's go see it!
- Recur Cholesterol levels.
-Avoid Unpleasant muscle cramps.
-Decreased blood pressure.
- Collaborate In reducing cardiovascular problems.

Properties of bananas

-It Reduces intestinal problems, calming nausea and vomiting.

It's useful for the prevention and control of hypertension and gout.

It's great for athletes and children because it brings energy. It is also very useful for those who suffer from fatigue.

Some women suffer a lot when they have menstruation. The banana is the natural solution to these evils because it relieves these aches and pains.

Thanks to its usefulness against intestinal discomfort and anti-nausea, bananas are very useful for pregnant women.

As we know, the banana is rich in potassium which is perfect for removing liquids.
Properties of bananas
Remember that the key is knowing how to combine everything that we like to eat (and what we should care) for our body to function properly.

Knowing this, what does your fruit bowl without bananas? However, it is appropriate to eat as much each day. Do not forget that all good, in excess, ceases to be.

What do you think these properties Banana ?, what do you usually include in your daily diet ?, you know any recipe?
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Thursday 26 May 2016

Preventing hepatitis

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Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, organ where they carry out important basic functions for our body to function as it should. These functions are altered to hepatitis and health of the affected person is seriously at risk.

Preventing hepatitis

That is why today we will try some methods to prevent this disease.

How contagious hepatitis

The main thing is to maintain proper hygiene habits and avoid areas that do not comply.

In the case of drug use through needles and syringes should be rigorously avoid sharing the material. There are social centers, where sterilized material is offered.

When having sex the condom is the best weapon against the spread of hepatitis.

Aesthetic interventions kind of tattoos and piercings are another source of infection so we must ensure that the center where we will make us the tattoo and piercing is properly approved and expect appropriate health conditions.

Before drinking water in an unfamiliar place we need to check that it is safe and meets the sanitary requirements.

Preventing hepatitis

If we are are traveling we have to know that in some regions the spread is much simpler and, although it is normal that nothing sometimes happens a simple mistake like drinking water which is not due or maintain a one-time sex with an unprotected person may be sufficient to infect actions.

Who should be vaccinated against hepatitis

That is why if we are to go traveling to an area with a considerable influx of contagions we vaccinate against hepatitis before leaving. It is a somewhat drastic but more effective against any misstep prevention.

Once we're infected depending on the type of hepatitis that we suffer can access a vaccine or not.

It is recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A all those individuals who are in direct contact with the virus. doctors and teachers, as well as haemophilia and kindergarten teachers is also indicated.

As for the Hepatitis B vaccine, babies and sick people some liver or HIV carriers administered. It is also indicated for people who have many sexual partners.

We hope these tips have helped you on how to prevent hepatitis. Note that as in all disease prevention is the best.

In addition there are many people who have the disease and not know it, as we told you in this other post: Millions of people are unaware of suffering hepatitis B or C Flickr images, HCV Sin Fronteras Foundation: 1 and 2.
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Endoscopic techniques to repair Gastric Bypass

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Endoscopic techniques to repair Gastric Bypass
Despite establish itself as an effective operation to treat obesity, it is possible that gastric bypass, over about five or six years, can fail and therefore fail to fulfill its mission to satisfy the patient as consequence of the anastomotic mouth dilate again.

From the application of endoscopic techniques, repair of gastric bypass to avoid possible failures and fulfill its purpose of reducing the level of caloric intake consist of a single session without hospitalization.

Repair gastric bypass with endoscopic techniques

Endoscopic techniques to repair Gastric Bypass
30% of patients treated with gastric bypass begins to gain weight two years after the intervention, amounting to 66% the number of patients over the course of 4 years. Indeed, if in these cases is not carried out the overhaul and repair of gastric bypass convenient it is possible the patient to return to obesity.
It is likely that never reach the levels before the intervention, but you may experience a rise considerable weight with all the consequences to physical and psychological level that may involve for the patient.

To avoid such failures, so far the solution was to subject the patient to a new laparoscopic operation with all the risks this return to surgery for the patient in order to achieve that the anastomotic mouth closed again.

Aware of this situation, doctors Roman Turro, Jorge C. Espinós and Jesus Turro, experts in the treatment of obesity through endoscopic and specialists in endoscopy techniques, perform different endoscopic techniques that do not require surgery, by which it is achieved repair possible failures aforementioned gastric bypass. Right now they presented as one of the few specialized units at European level in this area.

As is the case with laparoscopic surgery, the main purpose of this method is to decrease the stomach's ability to get the full feeling again. However, a major differences regarding these techniques surgery is not shown invasive for the patient and therefore not in its body incisions generated since the procedure is performed endoscopically.

Besides being a less painful and more effective process while since it involves not require previous admission to treatment, the patient getting his high, hours after concluding with this method, a shorter hospital stay.\

Endoscopic techniques to repair Gastric Bypass
In any case, it has to bear in mind that this treatment may involve a number of complications. In this regard, there are cases where the conduit stomach can reach extremely collapse, generating some discomfort when swallowing or even preventing ingestion. The medical specialist has only dilate the stomach again and so the patient can swallow painlessly.

Optimal results obtained from very diverse alternatives of bariatric endoscopy, such as the innovative Aspire method (also known as Gastric Bypass External without surgery, the POSE Method and the BIB, show that the present and future of treatment obesity is based on the development of bariatric endoscopy (a concept that refers to the use of endoscopy for the treatment of obesity) rather than the aforementioned medical team has struggled to make known in diverse international conferences.
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All about Zika virus

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All about Zika virus
You know all about Zika virus? Although it seems something new, the Zika appeared in 1947 in the forests of the same name, in Uganda. It was pure chance as it was conducting a study on the transmission of yellow fever in the jungle. In 2007 it was when the first case was reported outside Africa, in one of the islands of Micronesia.

How Zika virus spread?

All about Zika virus
Zika virus is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. a number of symptoms among which fevers, joint pain, rashes and conjunctivitis occur. The transmission cycle starts from an already infected person, which are bitten by a mosquito, also infected, and transmits it to the next person it bites. Between three and twelve following the above symptoms appear, yes, today no mortal case of the Zika virus is known. Although the alarm came to us to learn that the virus could be transmitted from mother to fetus.

Sometimes symptoms can be misleading because they are quite similar to those produced by the disease Dengue.

How does it affect them pregnant?

In some areas of Brazil they were recorded last November a promotion in cases of microcephaly in babies, just in the same areas where there had been an increase in chaos Zika. Given these circumstances, a study revealed if he really had the microcephaly relationship with the virus began. The results showed that there is some relationship between the two conditions, although it is still unknown how the virus acts to carry pregnant woman microcephaly.

Is there treatment for Zika virus?

All about Zika virus
Today has not developed a vaccine and no specific treatment for the virus Zika. it only can take medication to combat the symptoms and rest. What I recommend experts is that if there is someone to our infected around, we stay away at least for a week in order to prevent new infections.

How can we prevent Zika virus?

Since the problem is generated by mosquitoes to transmit from one person to another, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid at all costs that pique us any mosquito. So we can lay hold of repellents, mosquito nets, lotions, etc. But, nope! That although we are already infected we must also ensure that not bite us not new mosquitoes carry the virus. Still, in Spain have been no infections, cases that have come to Europe have been from people who were infected in South America.
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